Programme - 2017台灣國際勞工影展

2017年9月23日 星期六


2017 Taiwan International Labor Film Festival (TILFF)

Acting for life-The overwork generation under industrial changes

Actors in Life, on the Scene and Behind the Scene

What are the glory and bitterness of the actors in life? The films discover the unseen stories behind the scene of several occupations.

衡量一個人The Measure of A Man
(法國France / 2015/DCP/Colour/92min)
九零后打工妹Girl of Burden
(台灣Taiwan / 2016/DVD/Colour/58min)
(台灣Taiwan / 2016/BD/Colour/24min)
長情的告白What Makes Love Last
(台灣Taiwan / 2015/DCP/Colour/78min)
(台灣Taiwan / 2016/DCP/Colour/61min)

The Dialogue of Overwork Generations

No more disposable workers! The Dialogue of Overwork Generations is the dialogue between Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines over work situations.

Japan′s Disposable Workers :
Overworked to Suicide, Net Cafe Refugees, Dumping Ground
(日本Japan / 2014/BD/Colour/10min、10min、4min)
不幹了!我開除了黑心公司To Each His Own
(日本Japan / 2017/DCP/Colour/127min)
人魚之舞Dance of Mermaid
(台灣Taiwan / 2017/BD/Colour/44min)
(菲律賓Philippines / 2017/BD/Colour/8min)

The International Play of Life

Under the globalization and neo-liberalism, the global supply chain is dissolving our life. How can we survive under such situation?

(加拿大Canada / 2014/HDCAM/Colour/44min)
台灣勞動者—揮汗者群像The Workers of Taiwan: The Sweating Image
(台灣Taiwan / 2002/DVD/Colour/56min)
高教犧牲品—消失的永達師生The Collapse of Higher Education
(台灣Taiwan / 2016/HDCAM/Colour/46min)
(台灣Taiwan / 2017/BD/Colour/13min)

The Past and Present of the Disadvantaged Labors

The spotlight is focusing on the labor-intensive fishing and farming industry. From domestic workers to foreign migrant workers, how has the industry changed and how can workers survive? 

誰在山上唱歌Echo In The Valley
(台灣Taiwan / 2016/BD/Colour/42min)
再見 可愛陌生人See You, Lovable Strangers
(台灣Taiwan / 2016/BD/Colour/62min)
水路—遠洋紀行Squid Jigging Fishing Boat
(台灣Taiwan / 2017/BD/Colour/133min)
尋找捷運潛水夫In Search of MRT Divers
(台灣Taiwan / 2016/BD/Colour/52min)

Struggle for the Voice

Union plays an important role in workers struggles. From fighting for the increase of minimum wage to the collective bargaining and direct actions, workers are strive to voice for themselves.

拋下恐懼抗爭去Ditching the Fear
實習生≠免費勞工!Pay Your Interns!
我的薪水這麼低一定哪裡搞錯了A Living Wage
女工戰爭The Women Worker's War