To Each His Own - 2017台灣國際勞工影展

2017年9月18日 星期一

To Each His Own

Japan / 2017 / DCP / Colour / 127min


Izuru Narushima was born in 1961 in Yamanashi prefecture. He is very good at adapting stories, such as The Eighth Day by Mitsuyo Kakuta and Solomon's Perjury by Miyuki Miyabe. He was also the screenplay writer and film director of A Chair on the Plains, and the screenplay writer of The Brain Man.
The adaption play of To Each His Own is written by Narushima. The story reminds him of his close friend who didn’t find any help but chose to end his own life. Therefore Narushima decided to serve as the film director of the film to encourage people help each other.


The salesman Takashi Aoyama (Asuka Kudo) is a new hire of a company. He arrive at 8:35 and leave at 21:15. No matter how hard he works, the pay is never raised. However, if the number of sales does not increase, his boss will rip him into pieces and force him to do long hours of “voluntary” (unpaid) overtime. Saturday working overtime become a routine for Aoyama. Even Sunday his boss will call him for work. Finally deciding that life is not worth living, Aoyama is about to fall into the path of a speeding train when he is rescued by a tall, lanky guy named Yamamoto (Sota Fukushi), he claims to be Aoyama’s long-lost classmate. Surprisingly, after meeting Yamamoto, everything goes on smoothly and things are getting better. Who is this mysterious Yamamoto?